May’s Meau-Faux Orson Welles

4. If you don’t have a lot of Woodys at your house (of if you are fresh out), here’s what you can expect at CBC from the various presidential pictures on other forms of US currency:
a. $1 George Washington – All You Can Eat Pretzels!
b. $5 Abraham Lincoln – Glass of CB Bubbly or Renegade Red.
c. $20 Andrew Jackson – Your Choice of One Bottle of Any of Renegade Red or CB Bubbly – Tax Included!
d. $50 Ulysses Grant – Your Choice of any 3 Bottles of Any of Our Bistro Reds, Renegade Red, or Mystery Juice – Tax Included!
e. $500 William McKinley – This will get you a Big Daddy at CBC! Three Cases of Futures to Spread Out Over 2 Vintages!
f. $1,000 Grover Cleveland – A Big Daddy and 3 Cases of Wine to Take Home!
g. $5,000 James Madison – 1 Pallet (56 cases!) of Renegade Red or CB Bubbly – Your pIck!
h. $100,000 Woodrow Wilson – See Above – Bring About 45 of These and We’ll Give You the Keys to the Winery and the Forklift. No Kidding…
Due to the popularity of this event, reservations are highly recommended.
Ahh – Oysters. Fresh Oysters tasting faintly of the sea. Slurped raw or bbq’d with garlic butter.
And Wine. Lovely fresh and enjoy a brisk afternoon in the Foothills.
And then, the combination of the two. Yeah now!
We call this yearly seafood feast our Oysterfest and we’ve hosted it for over 13 years now.
It’s a springtime chance to gather, enjoy some of the freshest oysters, sip a newly introduced white wine and tap your foot to some bluegrass music. Who’s in?
This event has been a bit nutty in the past. It makes it fun – but….
This year, we are asking for folks to pre-purchase their oysters. It helps us plan and helps us keep the cost of the oysters down for our customers.
You don’t have to pre-order, but oysters at the event will be $2.00 each – with a minimum of ten. Oysters purchased ahead of time are 33% cheaper!
This is our winery’s birthday celebration as well, so expect some razzle-dazzle to go with your day!
Cheers to All!
This is the redux of the 2020 cruise that-never-happened! You know the CBC team – we just don’t give up! We are hosting a pair of kick-off events so folks can ask questions about the experience and, if appropriate, put down deposits on rooms for this exquisite cruise experience at great CBC club pricing.
These no-cost cruise Events are held:
This river cruise will be from Arles France going north on the Rhone River into Burgundy on the AmaCello with only 160 happy passengers. Melissa and Mike Owen will be your wine hosts and they are both excited to be returning to some ‘home turf’, as they lived there in the mid-90s for a couple of years. You can expect the most lux accommodations and treatment at the hand of the Amawaterways crew and you can always expect a good and even informative time with Mike and Melissa leading the charge.
The annual Crab and Cabernet fest at Crystal Basin Cellars has returned!
Each ticketed person will receive:
Tickets are $80/pp
Wine Club Members will receive a free bottle of our Cabernet Sauvignon with their ticket purchase. Not a Wine Club Member? Learn more about our Wine Club.