- There is a US law that will now allow living persons to be depicted on currency. So, all those Obama bucks you’ve got stashed won’t work.
- There is another law that says you can’t make your own currency. (Unless you are really, really good at it – then don’t tell us). So don’t bring that homegrown stuff either.
- For clarity – size does matter. To be specific, this is a Woody. It would be the best picture of a dead president you could EVER bring up to CBC:

4. If you don’t have a lot of Woodys at your house (of if you are fresh out), here’s what you can expect at CBC from the various presidential pictures on other forms of US currency:
a. $1 George Washington – All You Can Eat Pretzels!
b. $5 Abraham Lincoln – Glass of CB Bubbly or Renegade Red.
c. $20 Andrew Jackson – Your Choice of One Bottle of Any of Renegade Red or CB Bubbly – Tax Included!
d. $50 Ulysses Grant – Your Choice of any 3 Bottles of Any of Our Bistro Reds, Renegade Red, or Mystery Juice – Tax Included!
e. $500 William McKinley – This will get you a Big Daddy at CBC! Three Cases of Futures to Spread Out Over 2 Vintages!
f. $1,000 Grover Cleveland – A Big Daddy and 3 Cases of Wine to Take Home!
g. $5,000 James Madison – 1 Pallet (56 cases!) of Renegade Red or CB Bubbly – Your pIck!
h. $100,000 Woodrow Wilson – See Above – Bring About 45 of These and We’ll Give You the Keys to the Winery and the Forklift. No Kidding…
February 18 – 20, 2023
Due to the popularity of this event, reservations are highly recommended.